By understanding marketing terms and concepts, rookies can understand the industry and create more effective marketing strategies.

Moreover, it helps them communicate better with clients and colleagues, resulting in successful marketing campaigns.

To learn marketing lingo, newbies can:
  • attend industry workshops
  • read marketing blogs
  • network with other professionals in the industry, or
  • just check our infographic!

Ready to learn some marketing lingo? Check out this starter pack from media update's Jané Rossouw here:

Do you have any marketing lingo to add to the list? Leave them below in the comment section.

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Now that you have the lingo under control, maybe it's time to get your storyteller voice in order. Read these Three ways marketers can become fantastic storytellers [Infographic] to get that storyteller voice in order!
*Image courtesy of Canva
**Information sourced from Newsclip, media update and Adjust