"Meyer has achieved global success and is known for his gripping storylines," says Magnus Heystek, Co-Founder, Director and Investment Strategist of Brenthurst Wealth.

"Investing offers a different kind of suspense, and we believe that our process and his are similar and he is, therefore, the perfect fit for us. To write novels requires focus and dedication as well as time. The same applies for investment strategies," adds Magnus Heystek.

Sue Heystek, Marketing Director at Brenthurst Wealth says, "Collaborating with Meyer is a perfect fit for Brenthurst. The marketing elements developed for this campaign align perfectly with our established brand strategy. Our marketing approach is heavily focussed on client communication, utilising a multi-media strategy to engage both our clients and the broader investor market."

"Additionally, Meyer's status as a global citizen who travels extensively complements our investment strategy, which is centered on offshore investing. This shared global perspective underscores our mutual approach to achieving success," adds Sue Heystek. 

Meyer says, "My life is consumed with researching and writing books and television and film scripts. I consulted experts who have a proven track record of excellent returns and who understand the value of relationships to manage my global assets."

Meyer adds, "In addition, their expert team guided me with global estate planning, tax and investment structures suitable to my unique needs."

As part of the campaign, Meyer participated in Brenthurst Wealth's countrywide seminar series in 2024, titled Navigating Uncertainty. He served as a speaker, sharing his insights and experiences. Meyer will participate in future client events, continuing to engage and inspire Brenthurst Wealth's clientele, says the company.

Brian Butchart, Managing Director of Brenthurst Wealth, concludes, "Deon Meyer embodies the qualities we see in the evolving South African investor — a true patriot with a global vision. His ability to navigate complex narratives mirrors the strategic approach we take in managing our clients' investments."

For more information, visit www.bwm.co.za. You can also follow Brenthurst Wealth on Facebook, LinkedIn, X, or on Instagram

*Image courtesy of Facebook