Hollard, South Africa’s largest privately-owned insurance company, has launched its new brand campaign with advertisements that are sure to challenge marketing campaigns in the insurance industry. The 'We get you' campaign went live on Tuesday, 1 September, and can already be seen on billboards in and around Johannesburg.
“We believe that insurance does not have to be dull and boring,” says Krisen Govender, Hollard’s Head of Marketing and Communications. “The campaign illustrates that we acknowledge there’s more to people than meets the eye – much like saying 'never judge a book by its cover'.”
“The creative concept which interprets ‘We Get You' shows confident; vibrant; everyday people in the foreground, while the shadow they cast reveals, in each instance, that they have attitudes; opinions; hopes; dreams; aspirations; and emotions - as we all do, which makes them multi-faceted[ surprising[ and unique. We encourage and celebrate that in our customers; our partners; and our employees,” says Govender.
“Our aim was to bring our insights into people to life through imagination in the form of a campaign that brings fun into insurance advertising. And this was our brief to our agency, Mortimer Harvey,” says Govender. “We wanted to show our customers; our partners; and our staff that we get them, all sides of them, in a way that is positive and humorous.
“Given that the campaign has been designed for outdoor and print media, it had to be simple, with minimal copy and bold visuals. It had to challenge the viewer in a way that encouraged them to interact with it again and again - the kind of campaign that gives you joy in 'connecting the dots' after seeing a few applications.”
Louw le Roux, Creative Director at Mortimer Harvey, says the new campaign had to be differentiated with images not previously seen. “It had to be challenging while remaining relevant and entertaining. In short, something that redefines the staid and predictable tone-of-voice of the insurance industry in general, challenging convention in the same way Hollard does as a company.”
According to Govender, it was imperative that the brand campaign had to first and foremost, resonate with Hollard staff and partners. “It was essential that we lived up to the message and promise internally first, as we needed total commitment to the promise. The aim was to make ‘We Get You’ a customer service promise that all our stakeholders were passionate about. And it was embraced with great pride - we actually branded the entire Hollard Campus in Parktown.”

“We believe that the new brand campaign will definitely keep people intrigued; excited; informed; and involved. Hollard was built on an ethos of doing things differently, of challenging the norm, and because of this we’ve had many firsts, including being the first insurer to offer life cover to HIV-positive people, and the first to offer pet and legal insurance. “The company has grown and nurtured a reputation of having fun and thinking outside of the proverbial 'dull insurance box',” says Govender.