TRANSIT.TV operates in selected taxis as well as train stations and taxi ranks in some of the largest commuter nodes in South Africa and offers advertisers the opportunity to target the economically active mass market consumer.

Pietermaritzburg Taxi Rank is one of the busiest ranks in the country and by adding massive screens, each covering 6m2, brands advertising on TRANSIT.TV are now exposed to a further 560 000 commuters every month as part of their package, amplifying visibility, awareness and return on investment.

Public transport is a part and parcel of daily South African life with 18 million commuters using taxis every week. Moreover, as a result of mass urbanisation taxi commuting has had a massive impact on how people move around and most people can now catch a taxi within 1 kilometre of their homes. From a communications perspective, commuters are a sought-after market and withTRANSIT.TV advertisers have a direct link to them in environments that are captive.

One of the advantages of this innovative digital network is the ability to geographically target consumers through area specific programming, and with the latest screen additions, brands can now focus their campaigns on commuters in the Pietermaritzburg region. These additions to the rank together with the other advertising opportunities available including rank branding, Powa Towa branding and an array of face to face activations including blitz teams, commuter classrooms and station roadshows provide advertisers with multiple touch points.

“To benefit advertisers we are continuously enhancing our TRANSIT.TV offering and expanding its national footprint. With the addition of the Pietermaritzburg Main Taxi Rank, brands are now exposed to a high footfall environment where 560 000 commuters pass through monthly, many of whom are household purchase decision makers and a highly desirable, economically active audience,” says Jean Coetzee, GM Media Sales, Provantage.

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