Getting to know Media24's Daniel Malherbe
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At under 30 years of age, Daniel Malherbe, who is Media24: Magazines Digital Division's head of Digital Innovation, is at the forefront of the publishing world’s move to digital consumption. His division released the MyEdit app at the beginning of November which is a South African first and aggregates content from over 40 sources to a reader’s interests.
What was your first job?/Where did you start?
My first job was working as a freelance writer for the Tech Times, a subdivision of the Cape Times Newspaper. I then interned at the Weekly Magazines Division of Media24, completing my Political Science degree at Stellenbosch University before I became the head of Business Innovation at Media24 Digital Magazines.
What made you want to build a career in your profession?
I was always extremely interested in the digital space as a teen and later became especially interested in how innovation with regards to gadgets and technology can help to reduce the gap of inequality between the haves and have-nots in South Africa.
Describe a day in your life at present.
A typical day is always interesting but also very challenging. I am constantly involved in many different projects at one time so I’m forced to keep on my toes.
What do you enjoy the most about your work?
The opportunities afforded to me at Media24 Digital are like no other, so it’s great to know that I have a lot of support to chase my ideas.
How do you unwind behind the scenes?
I enjoy reading and playing video games.
Who would you most like to meet - dead or alive - and why?
Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk are both awesome and inspiring innovators who managed to change the way in which we think about the world and technology. They changed people’s perceptions and each looked/look at technology as a way in which to improve both the lives of humans as well as the environment.
What has been one of the most important lessons you have learnt?
Take every day as it comes and live life in the present; there is no need to worry about the past or the future.
What are your secret indulgence and your three ‘can’t live without’ items?
My iPhone, Hulu+ and Terry Pratchett novels.
Who is your alter-ego?
The stand-up comedy of Ricky Gervais and Robin Williams.
What is your favourite TV series?
Game of Thrones, House of Cards, South Park and Family Guy.
What’s your stance on social media?
It’s a necessary and integral part of everyday life and has changed the way in which we communicate with each other in a massive way.
About the author
This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write. This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write. This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write.