“Since Harry joined The MediaShop in 1997, he not only changed the way media planning and strategy is done, but also the actual business of media. He is a brilliant business mind that can tell you whether an idea would work or not within two minutes of hearing it. He has an intuitive feel for the industry, and he understands the finest intricacies of turnover, revenue, expense and profit,” adds Botha.
With more than 30 years in the industry, Herber continues to put passion and dedication into The MediaShop. He says, “All 150 of us work bloody hard. It’s all good and well to get payback but the trick is to stay on top. I’m humbled by the
MOST’s accolades.”
As reported in
The Media magazine, Herber’s advice to those entering the industry is to “learn about communications, not media. Think big. Sweat and bleed. Have passion. Commit”.
Over the past 12 months, The MediaShop’s business has grown significantly. In April, the agency was named
Media Agency of the Year at
AdReview 2014, a win that was on the back of winning the
Financial Mail AdFocus Media Agency of the Year in November 2013. Prior to that a slew of awards was won including the
MOST Award’s Full Service Media Agency of the Year and
Overall Media Agency of the Year Award in September 2013, for the third consecutive year.
For more information on The MediaShop, visit
www.mediashop.co.za. Alternatively, follow
@MediaShopZA on