The update means that the
Digital RedBook has a handful of new features and a more interactive, user-friendly interface. RedBooks are fully customisable and clients can easily modify their RedBook by personalising the front cover and ordering clips according to preference, be that by date, alphabetically or AVE value. In addition to this, selected clips and meta-data can be included or excluded from the book.
“The RedBook gives you a competitive edge as it becomes entirely unique to your reporting and presentation requirements,” explains Newsclip’s marketing and communication specialist, Catherine Dabbs.
A further update is the ‘Clip Search’ feature which allows clients to quickly and easily search for specific print, broadcast or online clips amongst their media coverage. Clients can now create new RedBooks with those clips they have selected or add them to an existing book. At the same time, they have the option to include a clip/s from one RedBook to another.
The virtual bookshelf displays all monitored campaigns, brands or topics. This means that not only can you edit an existing RedBook but you can also create entirely new books. This is perfect for anyone who is interested in showcasing specific coverage separately.
There is also an interactive comments function that allows you to add comments to articles and share them with your colleagues or clients.
“Our ability to deliver a customised solution to clients ensures that they are able to showcase their media coverage in a personalised and tech-forward way,” adds Dabbs.
About Newsclip
Newsclip has over 30 years’ experience in media monitoring and content management, providing clients with meaningful and measurable media solutions. Newsclip monitors the full media landscape in South Africa, along with an
expanding African portfolio.
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