The annual media awards are presented to those individuals who deliver an outstanding contribution towards the Afrikaans language, in the media segment, during the course of a specific period.  Each category prize winner receives a cash amount of R3 500 and a trophy to keep.

RSG presenters and programme makers have won in the following categories within the Listen (Radio) Section:

  • Best presenter or interviewer of a journal program: Ettienne Ludick and Sue Pyler for their feature on Aunty Evita’s 80th birthday in Middag op RSG;
  • Best insert in a journal program: Anna-Marie Jansen van Vuuren for her insert on Betty Misheiker as the creator of various Afrikaans children’s songs in Naweek Aktueel;
  • Best presenter or interviewer of a news- or actuality program: Ivor Price and Anita Visser for their interview with reverend Frank Chikane and Adriaan Vlok in Monitor;
  • Best insert in a news- or actuality program: Anita Visser for her insert on Hiroshima: 70 years later in Monitor;
  • Best journal program: Ilse Salzwedel for the program Die Woordketting on RSG;
  • Best news- or actuality program: Suzanne Paxton and Melissa Tighy for President Jacob Zuma’s state of the nation address in Spektrum;
  • Best documentary or program series: Johan van Lill for Kindo: voete soos vlerke on RSG;
  • Best insert in an educational program: Johan van Lill for Ons en die onderwys: Robotte in die klaskamer on RSG;
  • Best text for a radio drama or –theatre: Martyn le Roux for Bloedlyn on RSG and
  • Best producer of a radio drama or –theatre: Bettie Kemp for Sonate on RSG

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