“With an intimate cast of seasoned actors, Eintlik Nogal Baie's storyline is loaded with a good balance of romance, comedy, suspense, tragedy and is shining with charisma,” says De Jong.

The story is about Jay van Niekerk, an attractive, but introverted comic book animator who has his life meticulously planned. However, life catches up with him and brings him to a crossroads in his life when he meets Ally.

The cast includes well known and popular names such as André Lötter, Marisa Drummond, Zak Hendrikz, Ashmund Martin, Elsabé Daneel, Anton Dekker, Susanne Beyers, Themsi Times and Hein de Vries.

Lötter is well known for his role as Liam in Villa Rosa and 7de Laan. “It is definitely a film that will give new meaning to life and love. It was very satisfying to play the role of Jay van Niekerk and it touched me as person and as an actor,” he says.

Marisa Drummond is a dedicated mother and artist. Her enthusiasm for the entertainment industry is contageous. She is an actress, well known for her parts in Isidingo, Villa Rosa, and Binnelanders. She was also recently seen in kykNET’s spy-series, Fluiters.

Eintlik Nogal Baie is produced in association with MadRobot, The National Film and Video Foundation and the dti and distributed by Times Media Films. The film will be screened at the kykNET Silwerskerm Festival on Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 16:00.

Eintlik Nogal Baie releases nationwide in film theatres on Friday, 4 November 2016.

For more information, visit www.eintliknogalbaie.co.za. Alternatively, connect with them on Facebook, Twitter or on Instagram.

*Image courtesy of Grant Difford