The show, hosted by Bonang Matheba, allows contestants an opportunity to showcase their innovative, authentic South African side dishes complementing KFC’s Original Recipe® Chicken.
Every week, the cooks will get a chance to create a side that is judged by South African celebrity chefs, Lentswe Bhengu and Lucia Mthiyane. The winning duo will take home the grand prize of a million rand.
"The idea was to take local home cooks on a journey of innovation and explosive taste with the hope of inspiring a new local side dish," says Mike Middleton, chief marketing officer, KFC Africa.
He adds, "KFC believes in homegrown talent and providing an opportunity that enables South Africans to be heard and seen. We always seek new ways to create meaningful and lasting experiences with our customers. Through the show, we aim to add value to the lives of contestants by highlighting their entrepreneurial spirit and their love for 'Finger Licken Good' food."
Thabisa Mkhwanazi, public affairs director, KFC Africa, concludes, "It’s a first for us, and we’re looking forward to sharing this with the rest of the country. We support home-grown talent and the show provides an opportunity through the KFC brand to celebrate various authentic culinary creations."
KFC Taste Kitchen will broadcast every Friday at 19:00 on Mzansi Magic (channel 161 on DStv), with repeats on Sundays from 14:00 to 15:00.
For more information, connect with them on Facebook, Twitter or on Instagram by using the #TasteKitchen hashtag.