Being a content writer can be the most fun job in the world. You are creative for a living and get paid to experiment and play with words. There is one problem, though …

In the same way that everyone has their own personality and way of talking, writers have their own way of writing, and they want their personalities to shine through.

This is why most content writers have a bag of tricks or go-to tools they reach for whenever they want to add some personality or a little something to a piece.

Stop everything and scroll on as media update's Alrika Möller lists four ways content writers add some sparkle to their pieces.

1. Emojis

Emojis are like modern-day hieroglyphics that form a language all on their own. Every emoji has a meaning and a hidden meaning, and we can have endless fun and conversations without typing a single letter.

When it comes to content writing, many writers love using the added meaning and maybe the visual element to drive a point through — or just make it fun.

Whether it is hearts to show romance or a crying laughing emoji to ensure the reader knows you are joking, we have all seen, and most of us have used an emoji in writing.

Thanks to social media and smartphones, the emoji is now an important part of human communication, and writers are taking full advantage of that.

The important thing to keep in mind is that a lot of emojis have different meanings, and readers can easily misinterpret what you're saying based on the fruit you decided to post.

2. Bold, underline and italics

This one is definitely growing in popularity, and we wish we could take credit for that, but sadly it is not exactly a new concept. Content writers have been doing it for a while.

The idea with this one is that writers often have a specific way to read the piece in their head when they write it. It is natural. Sometimes though, this causes the need for bold, italics and underlining in order for the piece to sound right

Bolding some words can make people emphasise them in their minds, which will help with the tone of the article.

By italicising some words, it will add some attitude or interest and really give the reader an idea of what the writer had in mind while writing it.

Underlining usually comes into play when links are used in the piece or when a source, brand or company name is extra important.

The key here is not to overuse any of these features as it can be a bit much. It can also make the piece look wonky if every second word looks different.

3. Block quotes

For those of you that don't know …

This is a block quote!
Block quotes are usually one of those things we use during interviews or Q&A pieces, but some content writers enjoy using them as emphasising tools.

It's a great way to highlight a specific quote from your interviewee. Sometimes they say something that encapsulates the entire topic, or they have a thought so profound that no paragraph can do it justice. Queue the block quote.

In a normal article or writing piece, block quotes can isolate a single sentence in order to make sure the point comes through. If you don't read or remember the whole, at least you will look at the block quote.

This trick is sneaky but powerful.

4. Gifs

Okay, so the gif is all the rage right now — and how can it not be? They are basically tiny videos that have the ability to convey emotions and reactions better than some people.

Everyone loves a gif, and some people have entire text conversations by only using gifs. There is a gif for every occasion and every emotion.

Writers are no exception when it comes to the gif craze. We love them, and we love to use them. There is something so satisfying about finding a gif that perfectly fits with your piece or topic.

Using gifs is not just a way to add some pizazz, it can also be a great way to break up your paragraphs so that readers don't get overwhelmed by the amount of content.

The other side of the spectrum is also true. If you use gifs, you can make a piece look a little bit longer than it actually is.

Something to remember: don't overuse gifs, and always ask yourself, "Is this gif appropriate for the masses?"

As you can see, we love gifs …

Have you ever used any of these tools when writing? Let us know in the comments section below.

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