In the life of a content writer, clicks are your be-all and end-all.

It is what you live and strive for. You want people to click on your article, read it and, ultimately, love it. Organic clicks are the dream.

Some content writers have daydreams about their articles popping up on people's Google searches, answering all their questions. It sounds magical.

How do you make this happen? SEO!

Have no worries because media update's Alrika Möller explains all the ins and outs of SEO below:

What is SEO?

Let's start at the very beginning.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It sounds complicated, but when you break it down, it becomes a lot less scary.

Whenever you search for something online on Google, ChatGPT or whatever you use as your search engine, it uses SEO to determine what results it will give you.

What are SEO keywords?

SEO keywords are the words and phrases that determine where you rank according to SEO. Let me explain!

We already covered the fact that SEO is what ensures that people will see your writing pop up on Google when they search for something. Keywords are what decide what will end up on top and what will end up at the bottom of page 1 999 of Google.

The more SEO keywords you have, the better you rank. The Internet may be smart, but it needs the help of keywords to know what the piece is about so that they can know if it matches what people are searching for.

Why is SEO important for writers?

As a content writer, you want people to read your work. That is the whole reason for writing it in the first place. Yes, we all share links on various social media pages, but your posts can drown in the sea of other posts on social media. That is why you aim for organic clicks.

Organic clicks is a term we use to describe clicks you get from online searches. Whenever someone searches a topic or question online and your piece pops up as the result, they can then click on that link and that click is what we call organic.

The better your SEO and SEO keywords, the more organic clicks you will receive on your articles. It's that simple.

How do you use SEO?

This part can get a little tricky. Most of us are not exactly thinking about search optimisation while we are writing. We have a vision for the piece, and we let our creativity take the wheel.

So, how are we supposed to work SEO into our writing?

When it comes to boosting your clicks, there are many different ways to skin the SEO cat.

Using SEO-rich phrases is a trick a lot of writers enjoy. When people search for something online, they usually search for phrases or ask the Internet a question. By incorporating those phrases, you can get a higher SEO ranking.

Another way to make SEO work for you is by using punchy headlines. Phrases such as how-to or words like boost can give your heading an edge when it comes to the SEO game.

Where can you find SEO keywords?

Keywords are not some mythical pot of gold or treasure you have to hunt for. If you know where to look, it can be quite simple.

AI programmes such as ChatGPT can provide you with keywords if you ask nicely. Some writers add their articles to the AI chat box, asking for SEO keywords, while others provide a genre and topic, hoping it will provide a list of words they can add.

Another great way to get SEO keywords and phrases is to add your title or topic in a search engine. The search engine will then give you the most searched phrases and questions relating to that topic. Those phrases can be added as SEO phrases when you publish your piece.

If AI or search engines are not your thing, there are a few keyword-specific programmes such as Semrush and Keyword Tool that can help you out.

Always keep in mind that the idea is never to build an entire article around SEO but rather to use SEO and SEO keywords to boost your clicks and make your piece more searchable.

Have you ever used SEO for your writing? Let us know in the comment section below!

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