As a content writer, you want to be ahead of the curve. You want to be the one setting the trends or have them downpact by the time everyone is doing it. 

That can be tricky since trends change so easily. Every year brings a new version of previous trends, and sometimes we throw things completely out the window — like a pair of old skinny jeans. 

But don't worry, you don't have to lose sleep over the thought of being old-fashioned or outdated

Alrika Möller from media update is ringing in the new year with a list of content writing trends you should watch out for in 2024. 


We are starting anew. Let us know what kind of content you want to see from us in the new year in the comment section below. 

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If you are looking for more ways to up your content writing game in 2024, have a look A guide to SEO in content writing
*Image courtesy of Canva 
**Sources used include Truelancer, LinkedIn and Medium