Having a website and putting out content is not enough to get traffic to your pages. You need to make sure that you are using SEO correctly. 


SEO is the key to getting your website and content on the first page of a web search!

Scroll on as media update's Saads Abrahams breaks down the three types of SEO you should use. 

On-page SEO

This is all the content that is on your website, such as:
  • blog content
  • title tags
  • headlines / headers
  • image-alt tags, and
  • internal links.

Off-page SEO

This is everything off your website, such as:
  • backlinks (external websites linking to your website)
  • social media posts, and
  • guest blogs.

Technical SEO

This comprises the backend factors of your website, such as:
  • crawlability
  • user experience (UX)
  • mobile friendliness, and
  • site speed.

By combining all three, you are creating a sure way to generate traffic to your website! 


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Are you working on your SEO in your writing? Then take a look at A guide to SEO in content writing.

*Image courtesy of Canva
**Information sourced from Linkedin and Semrush