Many podcasts fall victim to comments like, "Podcast equipment is getting way too accessible these days," and it's safe to assume that you don't want to.

To prevent that, you need to be aware of the effects of recording your episodes without scripting them.


media update's Joreke Kleynhans helps you consider whether unscripted content is a keep or a cancel!


An unscripted podcast is not the same as an unplanned podcast! Unscripted means that you allow the intended conversation to unfold naturally while recording.



Not having to write a full script for a podcast episode seems like saving time, but this is only possible for experienced hosts and confident speakers.

If that's not you, your recordings may need lots of chopping and changing before they're up to scratch, thus costing you more time. In other words, you might harm your ROI by trying to save a few minutes on scripting.


Coherence and Cohesiveness

Maybe your podcast is a chatty, entertaining show that's easy to listen to while folding laundry. If so, you can probably benefit from an unscripted approach to recording.

However, if your content is information-heavy, you need the structure of a detailed script to ensure that everything you say makes sense.


Audience Engagement

Getting your audience to engage with your content is a balancing act. You don't want to bombard them with CTAs and questions to answer, but you also need to remind them to interact with your podcast.

For this, a semi-scripted approach might work better than an unscripted one. Write down reminders of where you want to insert CTAs and have a cheat sheet ready to help you include a few different phrases or questions.

Basically, the effects of going unscripted depend on:

  • your hosting experience
  • how organised your thoughts naturally are, and
  • whether your podcast is giving Brat or Demure.


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Are you on a mission to improve your podcast performance? Find more tips in our article, Five Ways Visuals Can Enhance Your Podcast.

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