The most radical, and exciting change is the new Middag op RSG show, weekdays from Noon to 14:45 with Ettienne Ludick and Sue Pyler. They will keep one company with stories of people and places, the latest technology, entertainment news, music and interesting bits. This will also then see the move of the information programmes to 11:30 weekdays. These information programmes range from legal matters (Mondays), finance and entrepreneurship (Tuesdays), health matters (Wednesdays), raising children (Thursdays) to psychological matters (Fridays). To beef up the mornings even further, a new five minute short story will start during May at 09:55.

The early morning show Goeiemore op RSG, from 05:00 to 08:00 also sees some changes with the introduction of Renske Jacobs on Mondays and Tuesdays and Willem Pelser from Wednesdays to Fridays. They will get one’s day going with upbeat music, news and trivia.

The afternoon drive time show, Tjailatyd weekdays from 15:00 to 18:00 will introduce a digital producer as part of the line up to ensure listeners stay abreast of what’s happening on social and digital media. Popular offerings such as Nurse Nettie, Dink Dave and Nataniël will captivate listeners, complimented by news, traffic updates and great music to get one home in a jiffy.

As a public broadcast radio station, RSG also offers something for the youth from Tuesdays to Fridays at 19:30. The Befonk programmes focus on grade 10 to 12 and has the following themes for each of the days:
  • Tuesdays will focus on the school curriculum with emphasis on different subjects each month;
  • Wednesdays will highlight careers and everything you need to know about a specific area of expertise;
  • Thursdays will tackle issues such as drugs, teenage pregnancy, health, bullying, pressure from peers and parents more; and
  • Fridays will be entertainment driven with trends, interests, extra-curricular activities, fashion, music and so on.
The Sunday schedule will also be adapted. The popular Sondag met Fritz will start just after the 13:00 news already where Fritz plays popular music from the 70s and 80s. The educational programmes then all moves later in the afternoon with Ons en die Onderwys at 16:30, Rand en Sent at 17:00 and Leefwêreld van die Gestremde at 17:30. The popular Fiks vir die Lewe phone-in show that used to be very late on a Sunday evening; will now start at 19:00 on Sundays with Sterre en Planete at 19:40. 

To conclude, the afternoon phone-in programme Loslip (and previously Sê Wie) will close the switchboard after 20 years. This platform offered an opportunity for listeners to talk about a variety of topics where they could share, vent and even tackle each other. But times have changed and nowadays everyone can give their opinions everywhere – immediately. RSG will however, from time to time still welcome callers to discuss particular topics.

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