Mo Flava will be giving away bursaries to students interested in studying media at Boston Media House. 

Media studies are often an overlooked qualification as if having a nice voice or being good looking will cut it. Mo Flava wants to change that perception and break stereotypes that to get into the media industry one does not need to study. 

“Whether someone wants to be on radio as a host or producer, on TV, or as a journalist, it is important to understand the craft and sciences behind these fields and what it takes to be excellent, just like anyone trying to studying and get into finance or accounting for example,” says Mo Flava. 

Auditions/interviews will be held at both the Boston Media House Sandton and Pretoria campuses during the Boston Media House open days running from the Saturday, 16 January to Saturday, 30 January. Mo Flava will conduct all the auditions and will be available between 09:30 and 13:30 on the following dates after which he will make a judgement on which 10 candidates will receive the Boston Media House bursaries.

Audition dates:
  • Saturday, 16 January Sandton; 
  • Saturday, 23 January Pretoria; and
  • Saturday, 30 January Sandton.

The open days will also include an “Ask Me Anything”, where a panel of industry experts will be invited to share their knowledge about the media industry. All prospective media students are encouraged to attend these sessions.

For more information, visit Alternatively, connect on Facebook, Twitter or on Instagram.