Over the years, Christmas movies have always found ways to warm our hearts and remind us of what's really important with their meaningful motifs and relatable storylines. And, if you think about it, these inspiring tales always find ways to resonate with us on all levels.

Netflix's new Christmas flick Christmas with You doesn't just teach us a valuable lesson about pursuing one's passions — as famous pop star Angelina helps a shy music teacher get his music 'out of the garage'. More than that, it also teaches us important lessons along the way that can be applied to our own personal and work lives.

PR pros, as you curl up to watch some comforting Christmas flicks this holiday season, consider what little nuggets of wisdom these wholesome classics can give you.

As for Christmas with You, media update's Lara Smit is highlighting some of the most important lessons that this movie holds for you right here:

If you haven't seen it yet, be warned that there are lots of spoilers below!

1. Don't be afraid to try new things

Angelina is a pop star in danger of losing her shine to younger, trendier artists. To get her popularity to pick up again, her record label wants her to venture out of her usual music style and release a Christmas song.

Towards the end of the film, we see that creating a Christmas song is the exact solution that Angelina needs as her song becomes a top-performing track and she rediscovers her passion for writing music.

Similarly, PR pros, if you feel like your tactics are losing relevance, it might be time to change them up and try something new. This can involve:
  • adapting to new trends
  • finding unique opportunities
  • discovering new mediums, publications and methods to communicate messages
  • extending your efforts to other areas of a business — like their marketing and development of brand equity — and
  • researching new techniques and testing them.

Once you have dipped your toes into foreign waters, find out what's working and what isn't by using media monitoring to measure the success of your efforts.

2. Connect with your fans

After losing a magazine cover feature to a younger up-and-coming artist Cheri Bibi, Angelina decides to go on a getaway trip to find inspiration for the Christmas song she is struggling to write. When her assistant asks her where she would like to go, Angelina says she would like to visit one of her fans to reconnect with her fanbase.

A valuable lesson that PR pros can learn from this is whenever you are short on inspiration, it's important to reconnect with the people who you are doing it for — your clients and target audiences.

This will allow you to gain valuable feedback and insights into what you can do to improve your services and build on your offerings. Additionally, it will allow your customers to feel engaged and involved in your processes, which will enhance their overall experience and guarantee their satisfaction.

3. Don't be scared to recruit some help

When Angelina visits a fan whose Instagram video she watched, she finds any excuse not to continue working on her dead-end Christmas tune. So she accepts an invitation to have dinner with her fan's family.

Her fan's father Miguel (a.k.a Freddy Prinze Jr) is a music teacher who has been composing a song that Angelina discovers on their piano after dinner. And when Angelina starts playing the song, she realises it has the potential to be the new Christmas song her label asked her to create.

So, she asks Miguel if he would like to collaborate on the new song.

This collaboration resparks her inspiration and, together with Miguel, Angelina writes the perfect Christmas song to reignite her fame.

This collaboration teaches PR pros that you don't always have to tackle tasks by yourself; you can rely on your team to help you get the job done from time to time.

In fact, with their unique skill sets, experience and creative minds, these individuals can help elevate your ideas with their input.

Additionally, by sharing tasks with the team, your productivity will skyrocket — allowing you to get projects done fast and efficiently.

Lastly, your team will be the support system that encourages you and supports you when your mental battery is running low and you need a dose of motivation to keep you going.

What Christmas movie would you like us to look at next? Let us know in the comments section below.

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PR pros, do you want to know what else you can learn from your favourite Christmas movies? Then be sure to read our article, Three things PR pros can learn from the Grinch.
*Image courtesy of Canva