The media is one of the most influential mediums through which PR pros can improve an organisation's visibility and pique the interest of targeted audiences.

Additionally, with the backing of a trusted platform, it helps these professionals to enhance the credibility of these organisations in the eyes of consumers.

And the truth is, as coy as media professionals may be, they need PR pros as sources for their stories too!

But if you think you're making all the wrong moves to try to start a relationship with them, we've got some tips for you to try instead.

Read on as media update's Lara Smit is helping you take your relationship with the media to the next level with these three tips:

1. Keep your pitches and pressers relevant

In the media and PR space, trends gain traction quicker than you can say "just in!" And once a new trend hits the scene, media outlets receive an "Extra! Extra!" large influx of pressers addressing these hot topics.

But, as we know, some trends tend to dwindle around for an extended period of time, making it easy to pick up on these topics later on. However, the problem with this is it quickly makes your content and ideas appear outdated to a media professional who has been exposed to this topic a few times while it was still considered new.

Now, a fantastic benefit of having relationships with PR professionals is that journalists have some great sources in their pockets that they can use. So, as a public relations specialist, if you want journos to identify you as a valuable source, you have to make your pitches and pressers relevant to them.

In short: Stop recycling news and take a proactive approach to deliver timely and out-of-the-box material.

2. Get creative

Speaking of out-of-the-box thinking, one sure way to secure yourself a secure relationship with a media pro is by proving to them that they can rely on you to be their go-to source for remarkable content.

In a deep pool of similar pitches and pressers, make yours poke out in comparison to your PR compadres by giving them a creative flare.

This doesn't always have to be done by seeking out new territory but can be achieved simply by taking a unique standpoint and perspective on relevant topics.

Not only will this give you a comparative edge, but it will ensure that your ideas are more memorable and impactful to journos — helping them always publish noteworthy content.

3. Make your relationship exclusive

In 2023, it's time to put an end to those confusing situationships and prove to journos that you are taking your relationship seriously by making it as exclusive as a relationship status on Facebook would deem it.

Like any good relationship, your relationship with a journo needs to be built on a foundation of trust. Therefore, these media pros need to trust that they will have exclusive access to your content, guaranteeing that their publication will be the only one publishing it.

So, even if a journo hasn't responded to you as soon as you would like, give them a bit of time to catch up instead of seeking another platform to publish through.

What would you advise PR pros to do to build their media relations this year? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Keen for some more tips to boost your media relations this year? Then be sure to read our article, Three ways for PR pros to improve media relations.
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