Whenever a new year starts, everyone and their mother are making New Year's resolutions

While most resolutions are short-lived, the idea behind setting goals is not always bad

In PR, goals are crucial if you want to dominate the game in 2024

Alrika Möller from media update is laying down the basics of setting your 2024 PR goals here:

In order to set goals for the new year, you have to take a look at 2023 and determine what did or didn't work.

This can be easy to answer if you have the stats, data and reports to refer to. 

Once you have reviewed it, decide what you want to achieve in 2024

This might take some deep digging — every brand and client is different.

A new brand might want to create conversation, while a long-existing client might want to keep a positive reputation

Go way back and remember why the brand or client initially decided to make use of PR.
Did you achieve your original goal? 

If you did, nurturing relationships and reputations should be the top priority. 

If you didn't achieve what you wanted to, see how far you came in the process and take it from there

We want to help you start the new year with a new lease on life. What PR content would help you the most in 2024? Let us know in the comment section below. 

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