Many brands largely focus their PR efforts on improving their public image in terms of consumer satisfaction, CSI and financial performance.

But these metrics are the results of a stable and positive workforce, which starts with recruitment.


PR pros, this one's for you. media update's Joreke Kleynhans briefs you on the impact that PR can have on your company's recruitment efforts.



Corporate visibility greatly benefits the way potential employees feel about working for your brand.

Potential candidates, especially the ambitious ones, will apply to listings with greater urgency if they — and their peers — are already familiar with your brand.

Candidates research employers before deciding if they want to work for them. If your brand is highly visible in local and digital media, candidates can start to picture themselves in your environment — making them more invested in securing the position.



PR campaigns provide ample opportunity for brands to showcase everything positive about themselves, including how absolutely wonderful it is to work there.

PR can also be used to polish the brand's image, and a bright image is a compelling reason for employees to desire a position in your system.

When it is more desirable to work at your company, recruitment efforts will attract more applications and better-skilled candidates. As a result, recruiters can be more picky and ensure high-quality hires.


Brand-Employee Compatibility

Nothing breaks a recruiter's spirit like finding the perfect candidate in terms of skill and experience, only to not hire them due to a disconnect between the employee's and the company's values.

PR can be used to clearly communicate the brand's values and culture to the public. This can prevent both the potential employee and the recruiter from wasting their time and resources on a mismatch.


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The PR industry wears many hats. Not only can it contribute to recruitment, but it is also vital to rebranding. To learn more, read our article, The Role of PR in Successful Rebranding.

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