Social media has made it easy for anyone to share their views on anything they're passionate about — making it more challenging to establish yourself as a credible expert. However, it's still an important factor in your PR strategy. If you want to know how to establish your reputation as a thought leader, media update's Saads Abrahams has the scoop right here!
To the average person, thought leader may just be a buzzword — but to industry professionals, it is so much more. This is because once you have been established as a thought leader, you develop a positive reputation for yourself and / or your brand.
Having a strong PR strategy is essential to your brand's success. PR ensures that brands and the public have a strong and everlasting relationship, which is only possible through time, trust and credibility. All of which can be achieved through thought leadership — an essential PR tool.
What Is a Thought Leader?
A thought leader is someone who is an expert in their field. They have the knowledge and the experience to back their thoughts and opinions on their industry. These individuals are widely acknowledged by others in their field and sometimes even the general public — a great example of a well-known thought leader is Neil Degrasse Tyson.
So how does one build their reputation as a thought leader? Well, let's take a look at some actionable tips.
Find Your Niche and Define Your Expertise
To become a thought leader you cannot just share generic and basic industry information — you need to possess a unique perspective or specialisation that will make you stand out.
Start by identifying:
- What your expertise is — what are the topics you excel in?
- What your unique insights and approaches are — what new perspective can you provide?
- Who your intended target audience is — who are you aiming to connect with and influence?
Share Your Expertise Through High-Quality Content
To be seen as a thought leader, people need to be exposed to your thoughts and opinions. This is why content is such an invaluable tool in building your reputation as a thought leader.
There are multiple content types that you can create to build your reputation as a thought leader in your field, such as:
- blogs
- articles
- social media posts
- email newsletters
- webinars
- short or long-form videos, and
- podcasts (either as a featured guest on an existing one or by creating your own).
Engage With Industry Leaders and Media
Networking will always be an important factor when it comes to establishing your reputation. This is how you will meet like-minded people in your field as well as other people who could assist you in sharing and recognising your insights.
By networking with the right people, you'll be able to naturally position yourself as a thought leader.
Some ways in which you can establish your network are:
- engaging with established thought leaders on social media platforms
- attending conferences and industry events, and
- collaborating with journalists, influencers and other media professionals who cover your field.
Get Featured in Media and Industry Publications
In PR we know that media coverage is everything. This is just as true for those who want to position themselves as a thought leader. Media coverage has the ability to significantly enhance credibility.
To get featured you can:
- propose story ideas or expert insights to journalists in your field
- volunteer to contribute guest articles to well-regarded websites, and
- find journalists who are looking for expert opinions.
Engage With Those Who Disagree With You
As daunting as this may sound, it is important for you to engage in discourse with individuals who disagree with you. By engaging in these conversations, one of two things can happen:
- You will be able to showcase your knowledge in your field.
- You will be able to learn something new from someone else in your field, reshaping your opinions.
Be Consistent and Stay Current
Last but definitely not least, be consistent and stay current. Consistency is key to building a good reputation, you need to ensure that each new piece of content you create is just as great as your last one, and that you are sharing it regularly.
As an industry thought leader, people are going to look to you to find out 'what's next'. So you need to ensure that you are:
- continuously learning about your field
- conversing with other thought leaders in your industry, and
- staying in the loop on industry trends.
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