Let's face it — as a social media manager, you might go through phases where your social media pages just don't perform that well and your content ideas run low! But what if you had a go-to cheat sheet for your favourite platforms to help when your creative fuels are also R25.00 per litre?

Well, media update's Jana van der Westhuizen gives you a less time-expensive way of channeling your creativity. Here are some top tips to remember when creating social media content for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Our cheats never flop! 

Here are our top cheats: 

Do you sometimes struggle with creating original social media content? Share your thoughts about it in the comments section.

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Social media managers, do you want to get to know your audience and deliver quality social media content by implementing some hacks? Learn more by reading The social hack – four tips to better your social media management.
*Image courtesy of Unsplash