Video is unique in its ability to captivate almost any viewer. It stimulates the brain with multiple elements like music, sound effects, language and visuals. This enables videos to reach a wider audience and keep them returning.

Social media is an increasingly video-oriented space, and that's why you need to utilise video to beat out your competition.

Start recording! media update's Joreke Kleynhans explains why videos will contribute to your social media success.

Video Is Easy to Consume

Video content — more specifically, short-form video content like Instagram Reels, TikTok videos and YouTube Shorts — has become the average social media user's favourite type of content to consume.

That's because videos provide highly stimulating input as a result of low output. In other words, all your audience needs to do is scroll and be entertained. They don't even have to press play! TikTok's auto scroll feature even takes that task off your hands.

Easily digestible and extremely popular content formats like video expand your content's reach and help you build an engaged community on social media.


Social Media Algorithms Reward Video Content

In any competitive field, those who use all the tools available are the most likely to succeed. The same rule applies to social media.

Even if your social media accounts are doing just fine without videos, just imagine where you could be with its help.

Moreso, social media platforms run on algorithms that continuously push video content towards their users. That's because it benefits the platform's popularity as well!

Any content creator who wants to succeed should know that you can never outperform the inner workings — or algorithm — of a platform. As they say — if you can't beat them, join them! Algorithms are not to be worried about; they are to be used like the valuable tools they are.


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Looking for more tips to succeed on social media? Check out our article, Busting five myths about social media.

*Image courtesy of Canva.