The agency won for their conceptualisation of the #VenusLegsie campaign for Procter & Gamble.
#VenusLegsie was an integrated print and social media campaign where ladies were tasked to take legsies, or selfie of their legs, post it on social media and stand a chance to win an island holiday for two worth R100 000. The campaign was aimed at creating awareness of the new Sugarberry razor that was launched at the time (December 2014).
#VenusLegsie was also to be associated with feeling good and having ‘goddess legs’ in the wake of summer.
The integrated digital, social and traditional campaign was Venus’ first ever Instagram campaign and the brand achieved its highest ever market share following this execution.
“We are so excited to have won this award. It’s a demonstration of the creative innovation that exists within our agency and we can only strive to deliver more famously effective work for our clients,” says Huibri Schalkwyk, PR and social media director at Grey Africa.
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